November 25, 2019

The Blog Tour Part of the Writing Life

Photo by Dawn Prochovnic
Yard Sculpture in Delft, NL, Artist Unknown
One of the many enjoyable aspects of being an author is getting to know other authors and illustrators. I've made many new friends at conferences and online, and I've enjoyed the opportunity to feature the work of other authors/illustrators on the Birth Stories for Books series on my blog.

Likewise, over the years I've had the opportunity to connect with several members of the KidLit community who have been kind enough to invite me for a guest post or interview on their blogs.

I started this post soon after I launched my potty-humor books. I've continued to add to it, as I've shifted attention the launch of Lucy's Blooms, as I continue to participate in guest posts and interviews on others' blogs. Although I typically shared those posts and interviews on social media as they occur, I thought it would be nice to have them linked from one spot on my own blog. I'll keep this space updated as new guest posts and interviews are added.

Here goes:

5/9/2024: Interview on Oregon Author Project blog. 

1/6/2024: Guest Post on Tara Lazar's Storystorm

12/4/2021: Contributor to 2021 Writing Wisdom blog series (full series linked here.)

11/20/21: Contributor to the Writing Wisdom blog series (where I talk about how I approached the endings for two of my books, including my most recent book, LUCY'S BLOOMS.) 

10/9/2021: Contributor to the Writing Wisdom blog series (where I talk about excavating the heart of a compelling story, and provides insights into the inspiration for a forthcoming book, MAMA'S HOME.)

9/21/2021: Interview with Annie Lynn on author Patrick Adams' Kindie Rock Stars Podcast (where Annie shares some insider info about our collaboration on the song for Where Does a Pirate Go Potty?)

6/12/2021: Contributor to the Writing Wisdom blog series (where I talk about the importance of reading mentor texts.)

6/10/2021: Interview for the Authors Guild's Member Spotlight feature (where I share various writing insights, including the best piece of writing advice I ever received.) 

5/18/2021: Interview on Writers' Rumpus blog (where I answer questions about the writing and editing process, the inspiration behind LUCY'S BLOOMS, and my advice for aspiring authors.)

5/8/2021: Contributor to the Writing Wisdom blog series (where I talk about the long and winding road to publication.)

4/15/2021: Guest post on Kathy MacMillan's Story Time blog (where I provided a gardening-themed sign language story time lesson plan)

4/2/2021: Contributor to the Writing Wisdom blog series (where I talk about how publishing for children is akin to raising and/or teaching children.)

3/10/21: Guest post on West Margin Press's blog,  (where I reminisce about the sweet memories of gardening with my Gram) 

3/11/20: Guest post on the Grog Blog, co-hosted by author Tina Cho (where I share ten tips about book marketing).

10/8/2019: Interview by author, Carol Gordon Ekster, on the Writers' Rumpus blog (where I share what excites me most (and scares me most) about being a children's author).

10/2019: Interview in SCBWI Insight (where I share my thoughts on "boy books" and "girl books" and my general advice for SCBWI members).

10/2019: Brief video introduction of my two latest books (where I share the best way to find out where DOES a Cowgirl go potty?).

9/28/2019: Interview for the "Will Write for Cookies" feature on author, Vivian Kirkfield's, blog (where I share some of my favorite childhood books and a favorite cookie recipe).

9/22/2019: Interview with Annie Lynn on author Michele McAvoy's My Messy Muse Podcast (where Annie shares some insider info about our recent collaboration on the song for Where Does a Pirate Go Potty?)

9/8/2019: Where Does a Pirate Go Potty? book trailer featured on KidLit TV.

8/27/2019: Joint interview with musician, Annie Lynn, on author Tara Lazar's blog (where we share the story of our collaboration for the song that backs up the book trailer for Where Does a Pirate Go Potty?)

8/20/2019: Guest Post on author Kathy Macmillan's Stories by Hand blog (where I share the story of collaborating with singer/song writer and performing musician Marshall Mitchell, and I share "Sign Language Sing-Along Resources" for Where Does a Cowgirl Go Potty?).

8/19/2019: Interview on author Aimee Reid's blog (where I share my thoughts on and tips for sharing good books with kids).

8/14/2019: Guest Post for the "Five Fun Facts" feature on author Laura Sassi's blog (where I share the origins of my Pirate and Cowgirl books and my affinity for sticky notes).

5/31/2019: Guest Post for Rain City Librarian's blog (where I share a sign language lesson plan called "Cowgirls Don't Wear Diapers").

11/6/2018: Guest post on author Tara Lazar's blog (where I share how one key revision resulted in two new books).

Last but not least, although not a guest post or an interview, SCBWI Oregon does put together a nice flyer of newly released books from member authors and illustrators that gets updated once or twice a year. It was nice to be included in the 2019 Edition of this resource. The most recent version of this resource can always be accessed here: Likewise, SCBWI International also puts together an annual reading list, and it was nice to be included in the 2019 Edition. The most recent version of this resource can always be accessed here:

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